
The postgraduate doctoral study of law ensures the learning outcomes of the highest level, and accordingly the appropriate competencies that doctoral students develop during their studies.

Doctoral students acquire the highest level of competencies (8.2) according to the Croatian Qualifications Framework (CROQF), and relate to the creation and evaluation of new facts in the field of scientific research that leads to shifting knowledge, develop social skills and independence and responsibility.

Conditions for enrollment

The study can be enrolled by students who meet the following conditions:

  1. previously completed integrated undergraduate and graduate study of law (ie achieved 300 ECTS credits) or previous undergraduate study of law and
  2. achieved overall average grade of 3.5 or higher.

Candidates are required to submit a description of the area of personal scientific interest when applying.

The study can be enrolled by participants who, in addition to the above conditions, received a positive assessment of proposals and descriptions of areas of personal scientific interest by a committee consisting of teachers of the research field for which the candidate is applying.


The number of students is limited by research area: a maximum of two (2) candidates in one research area per generation. Since the Postgraduate Doctoral Study of Legal Sciences has eight (8) research areas, a total of up to sixteen (16) students are enrolled in one generation.

Participants are required to enclose a motivation letter with the application for the doctoral study of legal sciences, which contains a proposal and description of the area of personal scientific interest and propose a mentor, in the appropriate research area according to the list of mentors determined by the Doctoral Study Council.

In the motivation letter, they are obliged to state the reasons for choosing a certain research field of study and to specify the field of scientific research. for the future.

Before announcing the competition, the Council determines all additional criteria that candidates must meet (eg knowledge of foreign languages, published papers, etc.).

  • Acquired competencies

    The purpose of the study is to prepare the student, the preparatory part of the study and the preparation and defense of a doctoral dissertation, for independent research work in the field of law, including the methodology of legal science as preparation.

    Upon completion of the study, ie the acquisition of a doctorate of science, the student is trained:

    • for building an academic career at one of the scientific - teaching or scientific institutions, or for performing highly specialized tasks in the legal profession in the private and public sector;
    • to continue training at the postdoctoral level;
    • for independently designing and conducting research in the field of legal sciences and developing one's own professional identity and integrity;
    • for the management of scientific - research activities within the project or research team;
    • to promote excellence in the academic and professional context in the field of legal sciences within a knowledge-based society;
    • to develop awareness of professional, ethical and social responsibility for the conducted research and of the possible negative consequences of the conducted research;
    • to face new challenges in society and the economy and to apply the results of scientific research in the field of law that contributes to social and economic development.
  • Documentation required for application

    1. a copy of the diploma of completed graduate or undergraduate studies, and the applicant who obtained a diploma of completed studies at a foreign university must also submit the decision of the competent body on the academic recognition of the foreign higher education qualification and the recognition of the period of study;

    2. transcript of grades of graduate or undergraduate studies;

    3. letter of motivation for the Doctoral study with a description of the area of personal scientific and research interest;

    4. proposal of the mentor person along with the mentor's declaration of acceptance of the mentorship;

    5. certificates or declaration of active knowledge of one world language;

    6. a copy of the birth certificate and residence card or a corresponding document for foreigners (foreign citizens attach the birth/registration certificate and proof of citizenship);

    7. two photographs;

    8. applicant's CV with address and contact information (e-mail, phone number);

    9. the applicant's statement that he will bear the cost of the studies himself;

    10. a copy of the papers and a summary of the communication, if the applicant has them.

  • Study duration, ECTS credits and tuition fees

    The study lasts 6 semesters

    Total number of ECTS = 180 ECTS

    The number of PhD students is limited per research field, a maximum of two (2) candidates per research field per generation. The total tuition fee for the entire course is EUR 11,945.05 (HRK 90,000.00), which is paid in six (6) equal installments upon enrollment in each semester of study. The cost of the doctoral dissertation defense is EUR 1,990.84 (HRK 15,000).

  • Academic title / professional title acquired upon completion of studies

    doctor of science in the field of law (Ph.D. socio.)

  • Contact information

    Head of doctoral studies:

    Prof. Ph.D. Ines Medić

    Doctoral Secretary:

    dr. sc. Luka Pribisalić;

    mobile: +385989381366